Monday, January 25, 2010


I went to an outreach meeting at church yesterday. One of the areas our church will become involved in is fighting Human Trafficking. I have kept this topic at a distance. Sort of numb to it. The words Human and Trafficking are not disturbing enough for what is going on. I started to dig deeper into the cause and now cannot shake how disturbed I feel. Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world! Just follow one person's story and I am SURE you will become disturbed too. ugh.

I can't stop wondering what were these criminals, the human traffickers, like as children? What were their families like? How was it for them to grow up? What were the twists and turns in their swirly life that lead them to coerce someone into slavery?

And then what about the people being coerced? What were they like as children? What were their families like? How was it for them to grow up? What were the twists and turns in their swirly life that lead them to be coerced into slavery?


1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to see you at the meeting. For many reasons, but the biggest one is because you have such a HUGE heart for people. And I know that having you there is already going to make a difference in what we do!

    It's a hard subject to stomach but I know that it's not one that is impossible to change.

    P.S. Just today I was thinking "Gretchen really needs to blog more". Then I saw I this and smiled :)
